By Arthur Sim : World Architecture, Issue 72 April 1999

Halogen flood lamps bring out the warmth of chrome yellow

The pylons of the aerial towers double as flexible display

Photography : Peter Mealin
Tv Innovations at Centrepoint Shopping Centre has
received a merit award from ICI-SIA 1997 Color Awards, for best use of color in an
interior, presented by the Singapore Institute of Architects.
Shopping Center
[has closed]
Design Team :
Associates Private Limited
Poole, Andrew Jones, Rey Tadifa, Marie Bogart
e:mail T
65 | 6536 | 3928
TV Innovations
has closed. Please do not call Poole Associates for enquiries
Centrepoint Shopping Centre, Singapore
When Tv retailers Tv Media were faced with unexpected
resistance from the Singapore shopper, it brought in designers Poole Associates to bridge
the gap between Tv and reality in an effort to bring virtual shopping closer to home.
Loath to believe everything they had seen on Tv, canny
Singaporeans unaccustomed to "sellavision" were not prepared to buy from their
living rooms and insisted on touching and feeling as well. So with a brief to take Tv
shopping to the high street, the designers at Poole Associates created what they call
"a hands-on exploratory and personal shopping experience...", to support the
product information and testimonials provided through television advertising. With a
product range that exceeded 900 items, the merchandise includes learning tools, leisure,
sports, health and beauty products, encompassing everything from kitchen knives to
exercise bikes.
The third in a chain of four outlets, the designers created
a language of their own in the design of this prime retail space on Singapore's Orchard
Road. Heavily loaded with the imagery of the Tv age, miniature pylons rise to the ceiling
broadcasting "informercials" while custom designed display units in the shape of
the eye are ever watchful for unsuspecting shoppers. Ed Poole of Poole Associates created
these devices to grab people off the street. "The products were small and nothing had
a presence," he adds," ...what we needed was hardcore selling!"
Tv Innovations was the official name of the Tv Media
outlets and Poole Associates introduced the "atomic" metaphor to the masthead.
The design for the shop began with the redesign of the logo. The fascination with the
electronic age, which is represented by the blue neon strips coursing through the walls
and ceiling, is carried through to the selection of materials. Galvanized metal raceway
panels partially reveal electrical services with the intent to hint at what Ed Poole calls
"the transfer of information in the electronic age".
Other industrial materials like the
galvanized Webforge
decking is used not just for its post industrial chic but also because it is fabricated by
computer - the designers consider it a product of the times. Here it is used along with
water tank panels to suggest the effect of being within "the guts of a tv set".
The Webforge decking is inlaid with timber strips to create the raised gallery that
overlooks a pit designed for bulkier fitness machines. Turned on end it is also used to
frame the entrance.
The selective use of primary colors and the generous
provision for lighting ensures every product is seen to best effect. Halogen flood lamps
bring out the warmth of the chrome yellow and maple floor. This is provided in combination
with PL lamps which produce the even white light that many retailers prefer.
Apart from being the symbols of the dissemination of mass
media, the pylons of aerial towers double as infinitely flexible display systems.
Constructed from steel angles welded and cross-braced with steel plates, overlapping glass
shelves hang off brackets bolted directly onto the frame. These can then be easily
readjusted to suit the quick turnover of products.
Yet another source of wonder with this retail outlet was
its time frame of construction. Built at a cost of SGD$546,000 (SGD$1,704 per square
meter) it was completed in just 19 days. Rentals are high and two months of free rent is
what most landlords are likely to offer tenants for renovations. After having worked in
Singapore for nine years, Ed Poole knew to expect that the two months would include the
design and development of the plans and construction drawings. Fortunately, some of the
design elements were pre-detailed. Yet, if not for the uniqueness of the construction
industry in Singapore with its lack of workers' unions, they would not have found builders
quite so accommodating. Ed Poole confides that anything is possible in Singapore: "We
were developing details even as the builders were working on the shop. The trick is to
stay one step ahead".