Architecture + Agriculture

last update 21.03.14

Seaberry Farm Mongolia

Movie v.08


Sea Berry Farm is located 15 Km from the Ulaanbaatar Airport in Mongolia.

Situated on 15 hectares of land producing Sea Buck Thorn Berries. In design development is a 20,000 sq ft Biodome for the production of fish, leafy vegetables, and various fruits. The biodome will include a research facility, restaurant and guest rooms.


Agri + Aquaculture specialists : Trustnature | Byron Bay NSW Australia

Architecture + Interiors : Poole Associates Private Limited | Singapore

09.01.14 | Site Plan | R1

1. Bio-dome + carpark and Gher camp : 11 units

12.11.13 | Ground Plan | R1

1. Bio-dome growing floor with Farmers market + visitors center

12.11.13 | Second Floor Plan | R1

1. Restaurant, Spa, Classroom + 6 guest rooms


12.11.13 | Roof Plan | R1

1. South facing teflon roof with solar panels 


12.11.13 | South Elevation | R1


12.11.13 | Section thru Greenhouse | R1


12.11.13 | Elevation towards Aquaponics | R1


12.11.13 | Elevation towards Farmers Market | R1


boidome accommodation


Spa with 4 treatment rooms


Luxury Ger Camp accommodation


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