The Singapore Prestige Brand Award 2008 | On Cheong Jewellery - Heritage Brands Winner


The new look On Cheong Jewellery shops for 2008 and beyond feature new interiors styled after the subtle Chinese Art-Deco expression of the headquarters building.


Nickel plate trim, custom etched drawer fronts, and black-pearl deco panel fascias are offset with a backdrop of yellow-grey acid washed marble. The New Bridge outlet is a first for going green. 95% of the interior lighting is done with high-power LED's which use very little electricity, enhances the light through the diamonds, and keeps the air-conditioning usage to substantially less than that used for halogen or metal halide lighting. Another by product has been comments that older customers find the LED lighting very soothing on their eyes. 


The South Bridge Road headquarters has had all the low false ceilings removed, dramatically changing the interior into a grand hall of nearly twice the previous volume.    

Press Index

Straits Times Nov 2nd 2011

Today Newspaper Jan 26th 2011 [.pdf file]

Today Newspaper Jan 5th 2008 [.pdf file]

On Cheong Jewellery - Heritage Brands Award Winner

Straits Times December 3rd 2008

New Bridge Road

Opened Dec 1st 2007

 3d renderings + animations copyright Poole Associates Private Limited 2007


Click on this image for a 90 second animation. Or search youtube "On Cheong" for a faster download.

Poole Associates uses the latest in 3d animation technology to convey our design proposals for all of our projects. To see more examples, search "onedegreenorth" on youtube. 

South Bridge Road

Opened on Dec 15th 2007

 3d renderings + animations copyright Poole Associates Private Limited 2007

26th Feb 2008

Custom etched metal drawer fronts finally arrive after a 4 month wait.

Custom designed and incorporating the new On Cheong ribbon logo, the patterns resemble flowers


The South Bridge Road headquarters 5-foot-way, with new edge glow signage and elegant Chinese-deco showcase windows framed in nickel plate frames and pearl-black fascias.


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