Cafe Iguana, Singapore Indoor Stadium


19.08.13 | Project Cancelled


The dining area. Mingling freely around the room (and at the bar) are a population of 'angels', 'peasants' and 'drinking devils', characters as commonly found in Oaxacan art. Mexican country life revolves around the fiesta which carries with it many superstitions.

Rising from the floor are concrete ledges that become drink rails in the evenings when Iguana morphs more into a bar.

If you should find the muddy grey-washed exposed ducting of the ceiling a tad disconcerting, imagine it as being part of an auto-repair shop, or junk shop, or a yard full of car parts - 'the sort of scene you would see all over Cuba, where the compounds around the houses and their big lawns would be strewn with car parts...'


"Art is like ham, it nourishes people"

Diego Rivera


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The craze in Singapore for the feisty food and music cultures of South America is clearly on the rise. Not least in prompting this sweeping conclusion is the 'really happening' Café Iguana, a contemporary Mexican restaurant-and-bar at Riverside Point, designed by Poole Associates. After 13 years a second outlet is to join the fray at The Singapore Indoor Stadium.




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